Connecting to MDS from the Excel Add-In

A new feature of Master Data Services (MDS) in SQL Server 2012 is the MDS Excel add-in.  Much of the data steward's work can be performed in Excel rather than the web interface, if desired.  One situation where you definitely want to use Excel:  if a lot of members need to be added or changed, the Excel add-in is much more efficient (the 2012 web interface only does one at a time).

After the Excel Add-In is installed, the first bit of housekeeping is creation of a connection to the MDS Server.  This is done using the first item in the ribbon:


You might be inclined to copy and paste the URL from the Master Data Manager home page – but this does not work because it's pointing to a web page.  The Excel connection wants the actual server.  Here's the message received when using the wrong connection:

The connection failed because the URL is not valid or the Master Data Manager web application version is not supported.


The correct thing to do is remove /default.aspx from the end of the URL.  In the screen shot below, you’d want to use the yellow highlighted portion which is


Within Excel, you need to create the new connection before you can test that it works.


You know you’ve made a successful connection when you see the Master Data Explorer pane on the right.
